Jamie 15th January 2019

I befriended Bob on TrekBBS, he was very nice and kind to me and was very supportive of my career in videogames nonsense for years after. He became a very well known and well liked figure in the online (twitter) community that sprung up around various Scottish games podcasts that I was involved with. He seemed to be well known and well liked wherever he went. I mentioned his passing to my housemate yesterday, I didn't even know if she knew him, but she instantly knew who I was talking about and was of course deeply saddened by it. She mentioned that she noted he'd been unwell recently, and that she'd known him on twitter for over ten years. I have a few other IRL friends who are feeling the loss - it was a text from my best friend (who I used to podcast with, which is how both him and my housemate knew Bob) yesterday morning that broke the news to me. He touched a lot of lives, far beyond this place, and I think the one thing I can contribute to his memory here is to assure people that lots of little communities out there are feeling this loss. He was a constant presence in my life. We sadly never met IRL and unfortunately in recent years we hadn't talked very often, but he was always around, y'know? My old podcasting mate and I released a reunion episode of our old show in December, which had been defunct for years, to celebrate a decade since it started. I noticed Bob being one of the first people to engage with it, he cracked a few jokes on twitter about its release. I remember thinking back then about how Bob has been a consistent figure in my world and that it would be nice to meet him IRL one day. I always assumed I would. Never asked. Silly. The closest Bob and I came to meeting face to face was during the Edinburgh premiere of Serenity - Bob had made the trip up to my hometown for what was probably the most important Nerd Film of that decade. I think we figured out later that we'd been in the same queue and everything. That was 2005. Feels like a lifetime ago now. He was a good bloke, he was kind, he always supported me in my various mad endeavours, and he made time for everyone who crossed his path. I will miss seeing him around, and I'm sure thousands out there are feeling that a constant and comforting presence in their lives has disappeared. Most of us could only hope to be half as well remembered. My deepest sympathies to RevdKathy.