Kathy 10th February 2019

I've been reading over some of the stuff Kev posted online over the years, much of it funny, some of it political, all of it Kevin. And I found the quote below talking about immigration and the hostile environment. This is what I was trying to say about Kev and politics. "And that is exactly the line they want people to take. "If it wasn't for the people taking the piss we wouldn't need to do it." This is absolutely the reason they get away with so much shit. These poor chronically ill and disabled people wouldn't be left homeless and dying if it wasn't for the people who cheated. These good immigrants wouldn't have to fight a system of hostility if it wasn't for the bad immigrants. These nice gay and trans people wouldn't have to put up with bigotry and exclusion if not for the in your face ones. These homeless families who are only homeless because they lost their jobs don't deserve to be homeless, unlike those who wasted their money! No, you could build a fairer, kinder system that recognises people are people and individual cases have different circumstances, needs and experiences. You could have a system where spouses and children have automatic right to remain, if not automatic right to citizenship. We don't need to do things in such a way as to dehumanise people. People cheating the system isn't a reason to break the system and punish the people it was put in place to serve. And our immigration system is our choice. "