Ursula 9th March 2019

He touched the lives of so many people. There is a saying that nobody is really dead as long as they are remembered. His kindness won't be forgotten that easily. I think he'll be a thread in the fabric of many people's lives for a very long time still. I've only met him in on the internet, never in "real" life, but have rarely encountered so sound and gentle a man. He had this talent of healing emotional wounds and soothing pains that is so very rare. He took people serious and when he showed interest it was always genuine, not just a put on act. As little Lord Fountleroy's mother said: "everyone should make the world a little better with their lives". Kev/Bob certainly made my own world a lot better and I'm trying to pass that on to whoever is in need of a better world. It may be only little comfort to his family but at least it's a way to keep a small facet of him alive through generations to come.